Monday, August 8, 2011

Christians hate diversity, they want a Christian R&S, just like they want a Christian planet?

I'm not Christian, but I will say that diversity is for the birds and I get sick of people promoting it like it is the best thing since sliced bread. It's not. I would even go so far as to say that it is a bad thing. Think about it. The base word of diversity is diverse which basically means different and differences rarely, if ever, bring people together. Differences divide people Look at any high school and you will see what I say is true. The rich kids don't hang out with the poor kids. The jocks avoid the nerds. Whites don't integrate with blacks. It continues right up through college and into every day life. The Marxists don't ociate with the Libertarians. The poor don't integrate with the rich. The religious and atheist separate themselves. DIFFERENCES ONLY SERVE TO DIVIDE PEOPLE!!! It's human nature. Get a clue! You know what they say. United we stand, divided we fall. So when you encourage diversity, because your mind is surrounded by a cloud of political correctness, I believe you are hurting this country. If the people of this nation are not united in purpose and ideology, we will eventually fall. It really is as simple as that. Need examples that what I say is true? Crack a history book.

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